Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 5 - Praying for Purpose

Scripture to ponder... "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" James 1.5
Enough said...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 3 Praying for Purpose

Today the verse that spoke to me was Luke 18.1
" 1 Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart."

1/ Too often I forget to pray. I find it easy to talk to Mal, my friends, even myself I forget that the first person I need to talk to about things is God.  The one person who knows me better than anyone - who knew me when I was in my mothers womb and cares about me so much He was willing to die. Surely I can spend some time in coversation with Him! I am going to paint one fingernail a bright colour so each time I see it I will do a spot check on my conversation so far that day with God.

2/ Never lose heart - so often life is hard. Things don't go the way I would like them to. For me a big issue is relationships. So often people hurt me (and I am sure I hurt others) by actions, words, lack of action or just silence. The hurts can run deep and make it hard to trust again. One option is to give up, become an island and hold people at arms length. This is my first choice...BUT God says do not lose heart - pray about it and like the widow in the parable, persevere. Perseverence is not a cool word in our society. We don't want to do something - don't. Sick of something - buy a new thing. 

Too often we forget that by working hard at something we will appreciate it more. Even when it is hard, pray always and never lose heart.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 2 - Praying for a Purpose

Day 2

Today what really spoke to me was
"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers eye" Matthew 7.5

I am good at a lot of things - not great but competent as I have done an amazing variety of things in my life so far. The downfall of this is that I can be critical of the way others do something and get really frustrated when I think I know how something can be done better.

Today I realised that while I am busy finding fault or thinking how it should have been done I am missing out on the wonderful job that people are doing  and that even if there is a better way, really it is not that important.

So instead of being critical, I am asking God to show me how I can encourage, build up and help when appropriate. Sometimes I am so blinded by what I think could be done that I miss what is being done.

Todays word for me is humility.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Praying For Purpose

Years ago I worked though the book - Praying For Purpose for Women by Katie Brazelton.

Today I decided I would start it again, commit to making time to read it and honestly explore the questions and readings each day and see what God has to say to me.

Day 1 - A 'God moment' (why am I suprised?) - today was Numbers 13 & 14 - when Calab and Joshua's actions demonstrate their amazing trust in God. The verse to ponder is Joshua 1,9
" 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Although I know I did the right thing in standing for what I believe is right and stepping down from my job, as the days have passed, fears creep in - what will we do without my wage, what will I do with my time (and everyone has jobs for me!), did I make a mistake...

This study reminded me that although there are 'giants' in my life that like Calab and Joshua I need to keep my focus on God, I need to be 'strong and couragous' and not just say I trust God but show it in my words, actions and thoughts.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


As I quit my job before Christmas ...

1/ Where does God want me to be and do?
2/ What do I want to do? - Church, work, leisure...
3/ Will I get my quilt finished?
4/ Will I survive our first child doing yr 12 and her L's?
5/ Do I have enough strategies for keeping up with testosterone filled teenage boys...

Take 2...

Well it's been a while since I set this up - a bit like life really...
I start something new then the rollercoaster picks up and some things are left by the side until life slows down again.
In this case, a few years!
Since I wondered about my traveling family members we have all been to the Solomon Islands 3 times. It is our second home - a small village called Buala on Santa Ysabel.

We are now heading into 2011 - a new year, I wonder what it holds for us all...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Trying it out

I've heard about blogging and read some great ones so decided to take the plunge and give it a go. I have to do something computer wise before my kids do!
I'm about to welcome two of my family members home from a mission trip. After almost 3 weeks of living in a completely different environment, what will have changed? How will they adjust back into the western way of life?
I can't wait to see them again and hear all about the amazing places they have seen and people they have met.